How do High School Students Really Feel About Distance Learning Due to COVID-19
Kennedy students are taking classes from home due to COVID-19

Photo Credit: Photo via pexels under the creative common license
May 20, 2020
The Distance learning System
Friday, March 13, was a half day for all students across Woodbridge Township to limit the interaction amongst each other due to the Worldwide Pandemic Corona Virus. Later that afternoon, on the same day, the Woodbridge Township school district announced that due to COVID- 19, schools will be closed for the next week and students would be practicing the distance learning system which is “school from home”. On Monday, March 16, N.J. Governor Phil Murphy announced schools will be closed indefinitely. This was a big shock for a lot of students and teachers, because we all had to adapt to a new life of working and learning which was not easy at all.
Do Students Enjoy the New Way of Learning Virtually?
After having several students fill out a google form on their opinion on how they feel about the distance learning system, 56.8 percent feel that distance learning is okay, 29.7 percent enjoy distance learning, and 13.5 percent don’t enjoy it all. The majority of students feel that online school is not that bad but it’s extremely difficult to get in contact with your teachers to understand the concept of some topics they have been learning in the past couple of weeks. 75.7 percent of students do strongly feel that their teachers provide more work for distance learning than they did in school; this might be due to the simple fact that we are usually interacting with our teachers during our class in school, or that our teachers want to keep us busy for their block. 54.1 percent voted that if it was their choice, they would not continue online school due to their experience of distance learning, while 45.9 percent said they would continue with the new method of learning.
Students are Feeling Unmotivated and Frustrated with Distance Learning
After getting multiple students’ opinions on how they felt about distance learning, some students expressed frustration due to distance learning, like 10th grade student Rachna Pandit. Pandit said, “I wish the timing wouldn’t have to be the same. Assignments should be due at the end of the day since the teacher isn’t there so it might take some students longer.” 12th grade student Jaeden Owusu said, “It’s terrible” and that he wants human interaction. A lot of students like Owusu miss being able to interact with their classmates and teachers. Another 10th grade student, Heather Mackenzie said, “I miss being physically in school. I miss my classes and getting to see everyone.”
Even though some students do feel unmotivated and frustrated with the distance learning experience, some students feel it is refreshing, enjoy it, and would continue this method, like 10th grade student Bettina Kingsly. Kingsly stated, “I like online school, I just miss the school environment of seeing my friends and teachers and being able to discuss things.”
Distance Learning is Better for our Health
It is for the best that we stick to distance learning for the time being considering that New Jersey has the second most confirmed coronavirus cases in all of the United States. We will all get through this together and hopefully distance learning will get easier soon. Don’t forget to keep practicing social distancing, wash your hands, and most importantly, stay home so we can beat this virus together.