Senior Spotlight Interview- Luke Meyers

JFKMHS senior Luke Meyers
May 18, 2020
Luke Meyers is a senior at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School and he is 18 years old. Like many seniors around the world, his final year of high school was concluded early due to the coronavirus. When asked about the virus’ effect on his school year, he answered, “This has an overall negative effect on my school work because it’s hard to get good direction for classes online, but at the same time, having school at home also has the positive of having less work to do and more free time.” While quarantined, he was able to play video games, binge watch old shows, and read manga. During these trying times, Luke continues to maintain a positive mindset and push forward.
After he graduates JFKMHS, Luke plans to attend Rutgers University to major in Political Science and hopes to intern for Russ Cirincione if he wins his election for Congress NJ-6. Luke believes that his four years in high school were well spent and very enjoyable as he learned new things and made new friends. Luke also revealed that his favorite year of high school was his junior year.
A big thank you to Luke Meyers for allowing the journalism students to interview him! Everyone at The Torch wishes him the best of luck in the future! Best of luck at Rutgers, Luke!