JFKMHS Annual Virtual Breast Cancer Walk
January 27, 2021
The American Cancer Society is a proud club to aid others and demonstrate hospitality through their sincere efforts. They recently anchored the Annual Virtual Breast Cancer Walk for you, your friends, and your family. There will be more thrilling events to come, while at the same time fundraising for a purpose. Everyone’s attention is vital, especially yours! They want to reach as many people as possible to spread awareness and hopefully join in with their full-on support for this cause.
Breast cancer probably has reached you one way another through family, friends, acquaintances, or even someone on television. According to the American Cancer Society, each year, approximately, there are 300,000 new invasive cases affecting females and over 40,000 fatalities because of it. Arranged by the JFKMHS Nationals Honor Society and American Cancer Society Club, this virtual walk/run was made to raise funds for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Society. Komen is a massive organization as well as the best-funded in the United States.
This event, which lasted from Oct 26, 2020, to Nov 13, 2020, had students walk/run a minimum of one mile. This was completed at your own pace at any time and anywhere, with the usage of a GPS tracking application. Each mile also counted as one community service hour. Winners of this event were determined by the longest distances.
Prices were:
- #1 Teacher and Student – $25
- #2 Teacher and Student – $15
- #3 Teacher and Student – $10
On October 19, 2020, the winners have been revealed by the head of the club, Ms. Lesniak, via Twitter,
“The Annual Cancer Society Walk has come to an end! Thank you to everyone who has participated!💗The top three winners are:
1) Potri Abhisri Barama
2) Daniel Charles
3) Saivya Telang
1) Lauren Della Serra
2) Lisa Kenny
3) Mary Branker”.
This year, being a “virtual” walk/run due to the inconvenient circumstances, students and faculty were still able to overcome the hardship. For Janki Ghadiali, a John F. Kenedy Memorial High School junior, the breast cancer walk was a great experience.
“Although this year was a bit different, it felt good to still be able to help while in quarantine,” Ghadiali said. “It actually helped me get outside more than I had been regularly which was nice and made me realize how much I needed to get fresh air once in a while.”
In addition to the event being virtual, it was a success. Furthermore, it gave people motivation to go outside after being indoors for a long period during this quarantine.
“The club got more attention in my opinion and got more people involved,” Ghadiali added. “This year might have been less people, but it was still nice to see they participated.”