Senior Spotlight Interview:Ana Sanchez

Senior Potrait Ana Sanchez
January 29, 2021
Ana Sanchez is a senior at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School. She was born on March 20 2002, and is currently 17 years old. I sat down with Ana to ask her a few questions. She shared a little about herself and her experience as a high school student.
Overall how were your four years of high school?
Ana Sanchez: Freshman and sophomore year were solid, junior year was quite a transition, but it was nice, and senior year has been really bad.
If you had the opportunity to redo your years at John F. Kennedy,what would you do differently and why?
Probably participate in sports, because sports were such a big part of my 8th grade to sophomore year. It was everything I did,so kind of leaving that behind once I came to JFK was something I kind of regret.
What is your definition of a successful person?
Just a person who sees what they want and goes for it.
How did staying home for the majority of your senior year affect you?
It definitely affected my mental health a lot, but because of it I did grow and I did learn things that if I was in the same social circle that I was in, I would’ve never grown into.
What do you want to be known for in this world?
I want to be known as a strong, independent person and a person that believes in what is right.
What makes you happy?
Being able to breathe everyday, being present with my family and friends. Just having the opportunity of being here and [being] alive. Kind of just makes me happy even when I’m having a not so good day.
What is your favorite movie?
I don’t have a favorite movie, but a movie that I could watch and rewatch would be “The Help”. It’s a really nice movie.
What school events have you participated in?
Freshman and Sophomore year I was on the varsity volleyball team of my old school, and captain for my sophomore and freshman year. In JFK I joined FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America) which I didn’t do much.
What are your plans after high school?
Going to college and majoring in criminal justice. Then probably, if given the opportunity, to apply to law school and just be happy with the life i’m living.
The Torch at JFK wishes Ana a wonderful end of her senior year and a succesful career and life. May all her goals be accomplished and may her smile keep shining through the years!