Senior Spotlight Interview: Nabriela Morales

Senior Nabriela Morales
January 15, 2021
Nabriela Morales is a 18 year old senior at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School. She was born on November 9th. In her free time, she enjoys singing and writing songs. Morales likes spending time with her family and friends. Her goal is to be a better person everyday. She tries her best to always help others the best she can. She loves spreading good vibes and putting a smile on anyone’s face.
Earlier this week, I had a chance to interview Nabriela for the Senior Spotlight Interview, the following were the questions asked:
What is the most challenging task as a senior?
“I think the most challenging task as a senior is feeling like you need to have your life together and you need everything ready, you need to know what’s the next step because of all the responsibility is now on you. You’re heading into the real world as people say. Sometimes you don’t know what you want, or you change your mind a lot and I just want to do the right thing.”
What is the most creative excuse you’ve ever used to get out of a homework assignment?
“I think the most creative excuse I used was that I have to go to the nurse because I didn’t feel good.”
Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
“I imagine myself definitely singing on a stage and doing something good for myself, for my family, and hopefully this world.”
Describe senioritis.
“Oh my God, you don’t want to do anything, you’re so tired of school, things going on in your head, you just want to lay down, you don’t want to do work, you’ve been doing work your whole life, literally school is a essays and tests, and you just want to like, call it a day [and get] the diploma.”
Do you think high school is preparing you for college?
“Honestly I don’t think it does. It could in a way, maybe for others, but for me, I feel like it hasn’t. I don’t know what to expect, I still feel like I’m going to leave high school especially now because of everything [with] this pandemic and everything, I feel like I’m going to leave high school and I didn’t have the same ending of a normal senior year, of a experience and I feel like I’m going to enter college and and I don’t know what to expect.”
Who are some artists you like?
“I like Anuel AA, he is definitely my favorite. A lot of people judge him and make it seem like he has this like strong personality, but deep down I feel like he’s just trying to do the best he can, and I like Bad Bunny. I feel like he’s just so real and calm, like I feel like I could have like a conversation with him in real life and I could actually learn a thing or two from him.”
Is there a specific quote that you’ve heard or something someone has told you that stood out to you?
“There is no pain that lasts a lifetime. Since freshmen year it has stuck with me.”
How is staying at home for the majority of your senior year?
“Many ways it has affected me, in a negative way because it’s obviously very sad, I waited my whole life for these moments to finally have my senior year to finally graduate, it goes by so fast, but I didn’t get to enjoy my senior year the way I definitely wanted to. But I did learn a lot, it has helped me grow as a person. I know now that life can change in a second, but you just got the best out of it and think positive and just be strong and keep going forward.”
Who is your hero?
“My mom, my grandmother and my sisters.”
What is a high school memory you’ll never forget?
“My freshman year that my sister was a senior when we had lunch and a class together and all my friends were seniors. It was just the best year.”