Senior Spotlight – Hensi Ahuja

Hensi Ahuja smiling at the park.
January 19, 2021
Hensi Ahuja is a senior at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School and is well known among teachers and students. Her biggest passion is singing and she is a part of the school’s Women’s Choir. Being a good member of a progressive society is something very important to Hensi and she considers it to be one of her driving factors. Hensi’s proudest accomplishment was getting into the Women’s Choir. It was really hard for her to join in and auditioning was an “entirely different ordeal”, but in the end, her hard work and efforts paid off.
The most memorable thing about Hensi’s senior year was starting a club. Hensi is the president of our school’s newest club, the Junior State of America, which is a debate club. She is proud of how well her leadership skills were displayed while starting and organizing the club. She has gained lots of experience on something she is really passionate about.
Covid-19 hit high school students really hard, and all of the seniors in our school are missing out on their last year as teenagers. Before the virus, Hensi would most likely be enjoying school in person and would be spending a lot of time with her friends.
Hensi’s dream is to be a psychiatrist or a therapist, but with the amount of time she has spent on her club, and the amount of interest she has in her history classes, especially AP Gov, she is starting to see a future in politics or law. High school felt very short for her, “I didn’t think these 4 years would be so short, but [feel] so long at the same time,” Hensi said when asked what she thought about her high school career.
Some advice Hensi would love to give to underclassmen is to never be afraid to branch out. They should do anything that intrigues them and expand their horizons. She hopes to become a productive member of society, and to be someone who makes a positive impact and contributes to our world.
Best of luck for the rest of the school year, Hensi! We love you here at The Torch!