Chucky S2 puts doll on doll, literally

Ade due Damballa. Give me the viewers, I beg of you!

Outstanding teen actors Zackary Arthur (left), Björgivn Arnarson (middle), and actress Alyvia Alyn Lind (right) talk about Chucky Season 2 at the New York Comic Con. Photo Credit: Photo via public domain pictures under creative commons license

Bryce Tarnowski and Jose Cuevas

On Oct. 5, 2022, the joyous good guy, Chucky, made his return and slashed his way onto the television network, Syfy. The critically acclaimed first season was a hit and left many hooked. 

“A true classic never goes out of style,” said good old Charles Lee Ray who is the human form of Chucky, and he’s right. 

According to,“Chucky” S2 carved the competition with an impressive 675,000 total viewers; which ultimately increased since the premiere of S1 back in 2021. The series is shown both on USA and the Syfy network, which is the home of horror movies and shows that fans drastically cling onto for a late night scare. Chucky”  S2 will send chills down your spine with gruesome kills and insane twists; just don’t get too attached to a character or you might end up being disappointed.

It’s been well over three decades, and we still can’t seem to get over Hollywood’s creepiest doll. The hit series  “Chucky” was renewed last year and fans were eager to watch another season of murder and mayhem. The series serves as a sequel to the seventh film in the “Child’s Play” franchise, known as “Cult of Chucky” which sees the return of Brad Dourif as the voice of the original diabolic doll. The series stars Zackary Arthur, Björgvin Arnarson, Alyvia Alyn Lind and Teo Brines who play in major roles along with Christine Elise and Jennifier Tilly who reprise their roles from previous movies. If you’re a fan of the franchise, then the spin-off series is a must watch. Despite the bloody and horrifying events, the series brings back the doll slasher, which is what really gets the blood flowing. 

“Chucky” Season 2 has come to an end with a “Child’s Play” Christmas we’ve always wanted. The finale premiered on Nov. 23, 2022 with a shocking twist that had all of us off our couches. After seeing the positive reviews, Season 3 has a slashing possibility for the killer doll.

Recap of Season 1 (No Spoilers)

You might want a recap on the first season without anything major being spoiled. Well, we at The Torch have that covered for you! The series follows the killer doll in a quiet town in Hackensack, N.J. We get introduced to one of the main characters, Jake Wheeler (played by Zackary Arthur), who just happens to be at a yard sale selling a good guy doll, coincidence right? He intends to use its head as part of his sculpture made out of doll parts. Later, things turn upside down for Jake and the killer doll goes on a rampage, literally throwing the town into utter chaos by exposing its dark secrets. At the same time, the first season does a great job explaining Chucky’s past and bringing it to light.