Senior Spotlight: Licey Rodriguez

Yearbook picture of Licey Rodriguez, a current senior at JFKMHS
January 17, 2023
Licey Rodriguez is currently a senior at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School and is also a current member of The Torch. She transferred to JFKMHS during her junior year from Brooklyn, N.Y. She talks about how N.J. is different from N.Y. and what she’s hoping to pursue in the future with a little insight on what high school is like.
Why did you move here?
Licey: I moved because my mom always wanted to move to the suburbs… I spent [the] majority of my life there… It’s more diverse in New York. You can have a conversation with the most random person just sitting at a park.
I know that you’re very artsy, what specifically do you do? What got you into it?
I started off with painting, but I design clothes, not casual wear, though. People need going-out clothes. I hate how we got used to wearing sweatpants and Crocs, I think people need fancier clothes to wear.
If you had $1000, what would you do with it?
I’d spend it on clothes. For sure. Maybe consider paying off my car.
What’s something you regret not doing during your four years?
I regret not hanging out with my friends more. I’m really good at canceling plans… I’m just so lazy, haha.
What’s the goal you’re trying to reach after you graduate?
I’m trying to be a successful student at whatever fashion design school I end up going to.
Who’s your role model? What makes them stand out?
I don’t know, it always changes. Right now, my favorite women are probably Julia Fox or Lana Del Rey… and also Kim Kardashian. I just admire how she’s such a beautiful woman and yet aspires to work hard… like she wants to be a lawyer and a model.
Top three things on your bucket list?
I want to retire by 45. I want to be invited to the Met Gala. I want to go to London.
Do’s and Don’ts of high school?
Don’t date anyone older than you. Do take easier classes, ‘cause here’s the thing… You can take all these APs, but if you fail one, it will kill your GPA.
What skill do you think is the most important to have?
The skill to learn more; you always want to evolve and change and learn new habits and how to get rid of old ones.
Favorite hobby and why?
I feel like painting started off as a hobby, but now it’s what I want to do with my life, so it’s not a hobby anymore…. I recently picked up reading… The last book I read was “American Psycho”…. I’d say fiction is my favorite genre. Non-fiction is just so boring.