What is your favorite memory at Kennedy?
Justin: That’s a hard question. It would probably be my first time playing sports, [I] absolutely loved wrestling. I started in middle school, and high school got a little challenging. [Wrestling is] just my passion, you know, the family you can build.
If you could have a car from any time period or model, what car would it be?
Probably a 1976 Chevy Impala. It’s just old, I like old cars. Nothing special, just old and nice.
What are your plans in 5 years?
I couldn’t tell you, just living in the moment, living my life one day at a time, just trying to have fun with my life.
What is the one thing you regret not doing in high school?
Football, definitely football, I always wanted to do it, but couldn’t. If there is one thing, [football] that’s the thing.
Who was your biggest influence growing up?
Probably my dad, you know, he taught valuable lessons and how to have relationships and good friendships. So yeah, I would say he has the biggest influence on me.
What would be your dream dish, and who would you have cook it?
Oh definitely ratatouille! I would even have the rat [Remi] cook. The dish looks really good.
If you can see anyone in concert who would it be?
Chris Brown, I’ve aways loved his music, loved his dancing and his groove. Would be really nice to see him in concert.
Do you plan on keeping your same friends form high school through your whole life?
Definitely. I would keep you [Diego], Josh, X [Xavier] and Miggy [Miguel] for sure. Really close with them, and if I can keep them around, I will.