What has been the most memorable experience you had here at JFK?
Barreto: The most memorable experience I had at JFK would just be growing with the wrestling team, making friends there, and getting to close with the coaches. Also winning our first division.
What got you into wrestling?
I got cut from the basketball team, but also one of my friends said that I should do wrestling because I have the build for wrestling… Midway through the season, coach Creighton allowed me to join and the rest is history.
What college are you going to?
I plan on attending Middlesex County College for two years, then transferring those credits towards Rutgers medical program.
What was your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment is honestly the bonds and relationships I’ve formed, and I have many different friends, or different friend groups. Also, getting close to teachers and the community of JFK.
What was your biggest struggle you faced in in high school?
Maintaining good grades during wrestling because I wasn’t well nourished, and I was cutting a decent amount of weight, and I would just always sleep in class.
If you had to tell your freshman self something, what would it be?
Stay focused on grades, I mean my grades never really dropped… I would tell my freshman self to focus up more because I have senoritis right now. It’s not horrible, but I got to lock in for the next couple weeks before I graduate. So just stay focused.
If you had senioritis, how hard did it hit you?
Oh my goodness, it didn’t hit third marking period, but it definitely hit fourth marking period, because I was like, “wow, I go home and just sleep,” I check google classroom to check the notifications and I just be like, “I’ll do them later.” Then later, is like, “Oh I’m hungry, so I’m going to go cook something…” Then it’s like 11 o’clock at night and I decide to do my work then turn on the TV and fall asleep.
What do you regret not doing throughout high school?
Probably doing more clubs. I did a decent amount of athletics, but I would want to do more volunteer work since I do it a lot more now. I feel like if I did it at a younger age, it would’ve brought me more opportunities and help me build more relationships. I just found out I really do like volunteer work and helping out.
You tried out for the basketball team. If you would have made it, would you have done basketball over wrestling?
Oh yeah, for sure. Wrestling, I would’ve never thought of doing it instead of basketball. The coach and I talked about it, and he always would say getting cut from the basketball team was probably the best thing that could’ve happened to me. I would say that I’m probably a lot better wrestler than I was as a basketball player. So yeah, I just can’t imagine it, and it’s crazy how one small thing can change your whole high school career. I probably wouldn’t have met half the people I did if it wasn’t for wrestling, so I was super thankful for that.
Do you still plan on doing wrestling after high school?
Yeah. I have spoken to the coach at Middlesex, and they would want me to wrestle at 125 [weight class]…I’ve spoken to the team. I’m still not sure yet, but we’ll see as the months go by. People on the team said that they’re missing wrestlers at certain weights, so I’d either do that, or consider MMA because I’ve had boxing experience. I feel that mix with wrestling would definitely be dangerous, but I’ll decide that further on, and I’ll focus on going to the fire academy and getting my grades up. Only God knows.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
In the next five years, I still see myself in school, not this school necessarily, but in college. My plan is to major in physical therapy and be there for a long time, and God willingly, get accepted by a fire department to work there.
Did you participate in any clubs here?
Yeah, I’m currently a part of the eco-friendly club with Mr. Viteri, shout out to Viteri, he’s a great guy. I’m part of the student athletic advisory commity. Heroes and Cool Kids, and as well as some mentor program with the elementary kids.
If you could relive any year of high school which one would it be?
I can definitely tell you which one I wouldn’t relive, freshman year. Quarantine, pandemic, and the first year of high school, not knowing what you’re doing, and then a pandemic hits.
I’d probably say sophomore year because that’s when I fell in love with the sport of wrestling and reliving it, and I guess with my knowledge for the sport now, it would probably help me a lot more. I met a lot of friends sophomore year too.
Do you think you had a huge impact on fellow classmates, underclassmen, and teachers?
I’d hope so, I mean I would have to ask, but I hope so because I made a lot of friends in different groups, talked to a lot of teachers, became close [with them]. I’ve had a lot of deep and good conversations, but I can definitely say they impacted me, and I hope inturn, it impacted others, but it’s definitely changed me and my perspective as a person… I really hope so.