How would you describe your four years at JFK?
Flood: It went by quick because of the pandemic….I feel like being here, I definitely was able to be myself. I grew up with certain people, I’ve seen them change. I’ve seen myself change. It’s really worth it.
If you had the chance to repeat any year, which one would it be?
Probably junior year and [I would] just lock in with sports.
How come you stopped doing track for your senior season?
I was pretty discouraged basically….[during junior season] I was injured and I didn’t tell my coach. It was GMC week, so I could have made it to GMC’s, but I came fourth because I was injured.
What career path do you plan on taking after high school?
I’m going to be in the medical field. I’m going to be studying respiratory therapy. Growing up, I had a lot of respiratory issues, you know asthma…. it was difficult, and seeing the way doctors helped me just get better. I want to be that for someone else. I want to help them get better too.
What is your biggest regret?
Definitely not taking the chance, you know, second guessing myself. If you’re thinking about doing something, and you know it’s gonna be good for you, do it. I missed out on a lot of things….if it doesn’t go well, that’s fine, as long as you try.