This year, JFK has had one of the best spirit weeks ever. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors worked effortlessly to decorate the halls and participate in theme days for spirit week.
Monday was “tacky tourist”, Wednesday was “cowboys”, Thursday was “pirates v mermaids”, and Friday was battle of the classes. Students and faculty particpated in this weeks events.
How do you think the students have done with decorating the halls?
Mrs. Hoffman: I think they have done an amazing job. Everything looks great, good on the theme. Everybody stuck to their theme.
What has been you favorite part about decorating the senior hallway?
Katelyn Figurido: My favorite part about decorating the hallway was making the poster, ‘Party in the Safari’ and ‘Welcome to the Jungle’.
What has been your favorite day of spirit week?
Ms. Jones: I enjoyed the one where we all dressed like cowboys. I thought everyones outfit looked super cool and cozy, and I loved the freshmen hall decorations. The ‘Wild Wild West’ theme, awesome.
How have you liked the hallway decorations so far?
Mrs. Zeitz: I think they are fantastic. I am truly amazed by the creativity and talent of our students and also the leadership of our staff. So I am very excited for spirit week.
Spirit week recap
Monday, the teachers won the tacky tourist day for sure. Many of our teachers and students wore Mickey Mouse ears and Disney t-shirts to look like they really were in Disney World.
Wednesday, students came to school on their high horses dressed like cowboys and cowgirls. The freshmen hallway just so happened to feature the cowboy theme. Using their hard teamwork, the freshmen came in clutch when decorating their hallway. They had horses, wanted signs, and even a photo prop to stand behind so you looked like you were riding a horse.
Thursday, storms were brewing when the pirates and mermaids spotted each other. Students came in with their seashells and pirate hats which looked perfect in the sophomore hallway who’s theme was “under the sea”. It featured water, fish, and even Spongebob Squarepants and Gary.
Friday set the tone for the final day of spirit week events. On Friday we had an amazing field day where t he students wore specific colors to show their support for their grade. Freshmen wore red, sophomores wore blue, juniors wore black, seniors wore white, and faculty wore Kennedy green.
The week ended with all grades competing on the field with track events, goofy races, and supportive chants from the crowd.