JFK Mustangs FCCLA proudly represented their school and community at the highly anticipated FCCLA National Leadership Conference held at the Seattle Convention Center from June 29 – July 3, 2024.
Mishree Patel and Resham Desai competed in the Repurpose and Redesign Level 2 STAR event and achieved a remarkable gold medal and received first place in recognition of their outstanding performance.
Sophia Xu competed in the Fashion Design Level 3 STAR event and attained an incredible gold medal and secured first place for their skillful performance.
Jacia Saenz, Riddhi Patel, and Radha Patel competed in the Fashion Design Level 2 STAR event where they received a silver medal.
Zainab Chaudhry competed in the Teach or Train Level 2 STAR event and came in second place with a silver medal.
Kiara Cruz competed in the Fashion Construction and Design Challenge Level 3 event where she achieved fourth place.
This annual event brought together more than 8,000 passionate Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) student members, advisers and guests.
The conference provided JFK Mustangs FCCLA members with an amazing experience, including attending inspiring speaker sessions, engaging in youth workshops, competing nationally and networking with fellow youth leaders.
Centered around “The Ultimate Journey,” this conference highlighted how FCCLA offers exceptional prospects to its members and advisers through Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education. FCCLA empowers its members to make an impact that will guide them on their ultimate journey by exploring career opportunities and instilling real-world skills, advocacy and service.
Sandy Spavone, the Executive Director of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, was excited for the 2024 convention.
“This year has been nothing short of amazing, filled with milestones that reflect FCCLA’s unwavering dedication to its cause,” Spavone states. “We are thrilled to have welcomed over 8,000 members, advisers, corporate partners, and guests who are dedicated to discovering the unlimited possibilities available through FCCLA.”
What’s next for FCCLA?
Looking ahead, FCCLA will be hosting its next National Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL from July 5 – 9, 2025. For those interested in getting involved as a student, sponsor, or supporter, please contact Dawn Santana at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective student-led, nation-based organization supporting youth on their journey to become the leaders of tomorrow while helping them address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has over 240,000 members and more than 5,200 chapters across the nation.
The Ultimate Leadership Experience is unique among youth organizations because the programs are planned and run by members. It is the only career and technical intracurricular student organization with a central focus on careers that support families. Participation in national FCCLA programs and chapter activities aids members in becoming strong leaders in their families, careers and communities.
For more information on FCCLA, please contact Dawn Santana at 732 – 602 – 8650 or [email protected].