Disclaimer: At the time of writing this article, episodes 1-5 have been released for public viewing. This recap has been written with the assumption that the reader has watched and has knowledge of the previous seasons of “Invincible.” For this reason, many characters and their relationships are not explained in this article.
The highly anticipated season three of “Invincible” has finally reached Amazon Prime Video subscribers this February. First airing in March 2021, “Invincible” has grown to become a massively popular and culturally significant television show. Season three hopes to build upon the precedents that the prior seasons set before it.
Episode 1- “You’re not laughing now”
Mark, under the GDA’s supervision, has been training for the past several months. Constant training has caused Mark’s speed, endurance and strength to increase by significant margins.
Mark, with the help of Rex Splode, attempts to stop the Declaration of Independence from being stolen from the National Archives Building. While the two heroes attempt to stop the heist, they are interrupted by Multi-Paul who wants to kill Splode for his involvement in Dupli-Kate’s death.
Later in the episode, we learn that Oliver is finally developing powers. This new development peaks Cecil’s interest as he wishes to control Oliver just as he controls Mark. Mark is also furious at Cecil due to his willingness to use the Reaniments and Darking’s help on missions.
Episode 2- “A deal with the devil”
Mark officially parts ways with Cecil and the GDA because of Cecil’s willingness to rehabilitate former enemies and murderers. Mark’s decision causes the rest of The Guardians of the Globe to split.
During Mark’s confrontation with the Retainments at Guardian Headquarters, he brutally slaughters them in an attempt to stop Cecil from using them. This scene is reminiscent of Omni Man’s fight with the original Guardians of the Globe.
As these conflicts unfold, we see that Mark and Eve eventually enter into a relationship.
Episode 3- “You want a real costume, right?”
Mark and Oliver receive brand-new superhero suits. The duo also prevents Titan from attempting to break Multi-Paul out of prison on behalf of The Order. This action is the first time that we see Mark attempting to train Oliver in a real-life scenario.
Debbie, who has started to enter a relationship with her colleague Paul, reveals to him the true identity of Nolan Grayson: Omniman.
Simultaneously, Eve attempts to rekindle her relationship with her parents by offering them an ultimatum: If Adam and Betsy accept that Eve has powers, Eve won’t use her powers in their house.
Eve and Mark discuss each other’s situations in hopes of consoling one another. The Mauler twins are not only stopped but brutally killed by Oliver when they attempt to use a missile to destroy global communications. Oliver’s indifference to the Mauler’s lives concerns both Mark and Debbie.
The episode ends with Mark catching and destroying a surveillance drone that he spotted outside his house. This drone hints at the return of Angstrom Levy.
Episode 4- “You were my hero”
Furious with the drone encounter, Mark storms the GDA and believes that Cecil is the one behind it. Cecil denies any involvement whatsoever.
While Mark is on a date with Eve, he is abducted by Dropkick and Fightmaster who transport him to the future. While in the future, Mark fights and kills an evil version of Immortal so that the world is no longer ruled by him.
Mark returns to his present time, horrified by the experience with Immortal. Mark shares the entire ordeal with Eve who tries to comfort him.
With the help of Battle Beast, Nolan and Allen escape the Viltrumite prison. Nolan reveals to Allen that there are only 50 pure-blooded Viltrumites in existence.
Episode 5- “This was supposed to be easy”
Mark and Eve contemplate two different matters: Should they move into an apartment together and if they do, how will they afford it? Eve decides that they should start a company that uses Mark as a superhero for hire so that they can raise enough money to rent an apartment together.
Mark and Eve learn that Oliver has finally started to make some real friends when they find him skating around a fountain with other children.
We also find out that Mr. Liu is pressuring Titan to break Multi-Paul out of the GDA prison. Titan initially refuses, but ultimately obliges when Mr. Liu threatens his family.
Mark and Eve work together to prevent Titan from breaking Multi-Paul out of prison. During this conflict, Mark and Eve believe that they have killed Mr. Liu when his dragon form dissipates but unbeknownst to them, he is still alive.
Mark and Eve decide to abandon their pursuit to rent an apartment because they believe that their relationship is moving too quickly and both their personal and work lives is too complex.