See Any New Faces This School Year? JFK’s New Transfers Explained.
As the Kennedy student body grows larger, guidance counselor Mr. Wilson explains why students from other schools choose to attend JFKMHS.

Excited JFKMHS students at their lockers with their schedules in-hand.
October 1, 2019
As the 2019-2020 school year begins, students of John F. Kennedy Memorial High School have noticed that there has been a significant amount of new student transfers. Guidance counselor Mr. Wilson explains why prospective students choose JFKMHS over other schools in Woodbridge Township.
Mr. Wilson’s Explanation
This school year, approximately 27 students have transferred to JFKMHS under special circumstances. Wilson stated that the main reason is academics. Compared to the other two high schools in the district, Colonia and Woodbridge High School, John F. Kennedy has the highest Advanced Placement exam and SAT scores. According to the U.S. News and World Report, 40 percent of the senior class took at least one AP exam and 73 percent of the students passed. Moreover, JFKMHS students attend a four-year college more than other high school students in Woodbridge Township School District.
New Jersey Legislation
There are designated areas in Woodbridge Township that dictate what high school every student is required to attend. Nevertheless, if a student wishes to attend a school that is not in the specified area they reside in, they must seek special permission from the Board of Education. However, if a student does not receive that permission, yet still attends the school, he or she will face legal consequences; this may include monetary fines as their parents or guardians do not contribute to the school’s taxes. In order for their child to legally attend an out-of-township high school, parents with the approval of the Board of Education are required to pay up to $12,000 yearly.
As shown, JFKMHS arguably provides the best education in Woodbridge Township. Furthermore, students have the chance of excelling in college with a variety of college-credit classes offered. Likewise, the statistics displaying significant academic excellence explain why students choose JFKMHS over others. Overall, we wish the best of luck to the new students of John F. Kennedy Memorial High School.