What to Gather From the First Presidential Debate:
Photo Credit: Google Images by Gage Skidmore at Sheila and Eric Samson Pavilion, Cleveland, OH President Donald Trump claims his viewpoint on white supremacists.
October 20, 2020
One of the first presidential debates took place this evening on Sept. 29, between the two potential candidates to run in position for the United States of America. The first presidential debate started off with many interesting and controversial topics, ranging from the new Supreme Court nominee to white supremacy. All in all, much data has been gathered and collected to pinpoint every belief and vocal viewpoint of each candidate.
What strategy each Candidate supports basing on Pandemic issues:
Throughout the presidential debate, there were many key points made by both President Trump and candidate Joe Biden. One of the more crucial discussions during the debate was Covid-19. Trump maintained the same position on the virus during the debate as he did during his presidency. He believes that the virus should be handled by state governments while the federal government provides “back-up” or acts as “a last resort”. Trump declared, that if elected for a 2nd term, the U.S will create a vaccine and have the country back to normal by 2021. He also promised an effective emergency plan for future pandemics. Biden alluded to his support in epidemics during his vice-presidency. He also proposed to mount an effective emergency response team to assist and minimize the spread of the virus, eliminate cost barriers, and financially accommodate families that were hit by economic decline.
During a portion of the debate that focused on protests, violence, race issues and policing, Trump claimed Biden played a part in the violence and destruction that were a result of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor’s deaths caused by police, even though Biden expressed disapproval of the violent aspects of the protests. The section came to a close when Trump was asked to publicly condemn white supremacists by Biden and Moderator, Chris Wallace. Trump refused to do so and even made a remark to the white supremacist militia group, Proud Boys saying “Stand back and stand by,” this added further fuel to Biden’s claim that Trump emboldened right-wing extremists groups.
What this all means:
The critical outcome of the previous Presidential Debate, will help lead the citizens of our country with their choice when it comes down to Election Day, if they are eligible to vote. With as little as one month left before the polls open, this debate was necessary to get both candidates political points across the national board. It is confirmed that there will be more follow-up debates to come, the most precise date being this upcoming Oct. 15.