Senior Spotlight: Meelah Joseph

Meelah Joseph sitting in her bedroom glistening in the sun.
January 24, 2023
Meelah Joseph is a senior at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School, class of 2023. She has been on the STEP team since freshman year and has been playing softball since sophomore year. Also, she has been involved in many clubs and activities including the Black Student Union which she is very passionate about. In the future, Meelah is planning to attend an HBCU, which is one of her biggest dreams. She also aspires to get into medical school to become an OBGYN.
What advice would you give your freshman self?
Meelah: I would tell them to humble themselves, I was cocky and a little immature back then. As I grew older, I became a lot more involved. Most importantly, I would say to keep up with your work and don’t procrastinate.
How did covid affect your high school experience?
Covid was extremely rough for me, I had a lot of stuff going on at home like taking care of my family and constantly moving around. For my sophomore year, I lost all motivation and didn’t have time to do anything. Although, I can also say I’ve grown from it since I was forced to be so mature at a young age.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
In the next five years, I see myself hopefully starting my intern year going into medical school and pursuing obstetrics and gynecology, which also stands for OBGYN.
What inspired you to join the STEP team?
I saw a video of the STEP team performing and I immediately wanted to do that so I went to try out in freshman year. I ended up being one of the three girls in 9th grade that ended up doing really well. I was very inspired and felt like I was a part of something that defined me. I’m now captain of the STEP team and I’m very proud of myself.
What are some of your favorite clubs you joined?
For this year, my favorite club I joined so far is the Black Student Union. Creating this club is long overdue because many other schools started this club a while ago, but JFK is newer to it. In this club, we are able to talk about a lot of things that are going on in the school, and we are very accepting of everybody. It’s very beneficial for the school because some students are afraid to speak up and talk about things they are uncomfortable with, or things that need to be changed.
How long have you been playing softball?
I’ve been playing softball since my sophomore year. I joined because I felt that I needed to get out of the house since covid was occurring back then. I was so bad at first, but the more I practiced, the more comfortable I became. Our team, including the coaches, were very supportive and helped me learn. The very next year I was playing varsity and it kept me very active. Softball is another extracurricular activity I’m glad I joined.
If you had to choose one, what was your favorite high school memory?
Probably one of our basketball games during freshman year. I was still new to the school so I did not realize how supportive our student body can be. When I went to the game, I was in the middle of a halftime performance and the whole crowd was so exhilarating. Everybody was hyping us up, screaming our names, cheering for us and we ended up winning that game. It was definitely a very memorable experience and something I can never forget.
Why are you looking forward to attending a HBCU in the future?
All my life I’ve wanted to feel a part of some kind of community, which is why I joined so many clubs in high school. When I found out about what an HBCU was, I felt like it was a call out for me. That’s when I realized I needed to go to this school where there are people surrounded like me, making a difference despite of all the political things going on in the news. Hopefully later this year I can attend an HBCU.
Do you have any regrets during your four years of high school?
There are definitely many things I could have avoided or done differently, like making a bond with my teachers as an underclassman. In my freshman and sophomore years, making a connection with my teachers would have helped me with my grades or assignments. As I became a junior, I felt more comfortable emailing my teachers and reaching out to them.
Best of luck Meelah, The Torch hopes that your future is bright and that you get into your dream schools!