The Winner of the 2023 Senior Olympics Is…..
Homeroom 115!
Seniors Luv Patel and Hariom Patel pose with their well-deserved medals.
While juniors spent March 13 and 14 engaged in standardized state testing, the senior class took part in the annual Senior Olympics. One homeroom emerged victorious after a series of grueling and rather hilarious games: homeroom 115.
During the games, two members of homeroom 115 definitely stole the spotlight, showing their true competitive spirit by participating in multiple games. Seniors Hariom Patel and Luv Patel stepped up and carried their homeroom to the finish line. Both seniors participated in games such as tic-tac-toe, a relay race and a balloon race. Luv Patel will always remember his contribution in the relay race.
“It means a lot because it helps us make new memories and as we’re all going off to college, I can remember this [the Senior Olympics] as a special moment,” Luv said.
Hariom Patel is one of Luv’s best friends and was also a main contributor in getting their team to win. After the games, he was extremely proud of himself and his team.
“Overall, it felt good. It felt like you earned some sort of respect without asking for it because it was a competition. The whole process was always fun,” Hariom stated. After crushing every event they took part in, both Hariom and Luv felt confident in their abilities to win.
“After we won the first event, we kind of knew we had it all the way. We were very confident,” Hariom explained. Once the games were over, all members of homeroom 115 were given medals to honor their dedication and hard work throughout the entirety of the Senior Olympics.
Mrs. Sienkiewicz, the scorekeeper, was emphatic about how exciting the games were. She genuinely enjoyed the whole experience and is looking forward to it next year.
“I enjoyed the balloon race. That was a new thing this year and like they were blowing them up and no one passed out, which was good. That scared me a little bit. That was crazy, right? There was a lot of spit everywhere,” Mrs. Sienkiewicz said.
Along with homeroom 115, homeroom 112 also emerged victorious in the poster competition, boasting a beautiful pink poster.
Vishwa Patel is currently a senior attending John F. Kennedy Memorial High school. This is her second year as a contributor to the school newspaper, The...
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