“Missing” is a thriller/mystery movie released in 2023 and is currently streaming on Netflix. The movie centers around a young woman named June Allen and her mother, Grace Allen, who have encountered the death of June’s father. Eventually, Grace decides to move on with someone new and goes to Colombia for vacation with her new boyfriend—she suddenly disappears. June decides that it is her mission to find her mother and bring her home.
“Missing” takes viewers on an emotional roller coaster through satisfying plot twists which truly keep us on the edge of our seats. While watching the movie, we learned about new ways to use the internet, including how easy and helpful it is to access information online. June’s determination and ambition kept us anticipating the movie’s climax. The performances of Storm Reid and Nia Long, who play June and Grace, evoked empathy in all of us. One unique aspect of the film is that it gives movie-watchers a more intimate view of June’s story through her MacBook and phone.
Overall, the movie is an adventurous experience that should be given a chance.
Rating ‘Missing’
While others felt there could be a few improvements, many critics online loved the movie. “Missing” has a rating of 88% on Rotten Tomatoes and 89% overall.
After watching the movie, the overall rating we gave it as a group was 4 ⁄5 since the plot flowed smoothly and it was full of surprises. However, the movie had some underdeveloped characters that we felt could have had a bigger role in the mystery.
Did you know?
Film director Will Merrick directed the movie “Searching” in 2018, and now, “Missing” in 2023. Both movies contain similar plots and conspiracies. “Searching” has been received better on Rotten Tomatoes with a rating of 92%.